Thursday, June 19, 2003

For those of you that may feel weepy or are unable to deal with reality please do not read on.
This is a day of venting for me, lifting didn't get out the rage so blogging will have to help til volleyball tonight.
I lost my Mom when I was 11 and at age twelve my Dad was disabled on the job. Picture the strongest man you know suddenly unable to get out of a chair without help. That was how it was.
I turned 13 and friends of the family had a resteraunt. I worked 40 hours as did my sister to help pay bills. The company my Dad worked for was just bought out and the state of Nebraska has some of the worst laws in the country when it comes to workers comp. One week a check would be there maybe a month or two would go by before the next would come.
I was 17 before everything was settled, yet I still worked forty hours a week, went to a full day of classes, and played sports.
Now put down the tea this isn't a pity party for me, that is reality life isn't easy. You do what you have to, to survive.
But what if this or what if this, you can put what if in one hand and shit in the other, if you can't tell what's real quit reading.
I wake up everyday and I thank God I'm alive and healthy, and that those I know and love are too.
The past is the past you can learn from it but you shouldn't live in it. Today was a new day and so is tomorrow, yesterday and the day before that are gone they're over.
I've been called quite a few lovely names lately, asshole is my favorite, idiot is my least favorite.
An asshole obviously is a vilianous title or a light hearted term of affection according to my Dad.
Idiot on the other hand was my neighbor, an idiot can make a familly but can't raise them. An idiot can bitch about the past that can't be changed yet tries to change nothing for the future.
Last time I checked I had no kids, and I wasn't living in the past. Therefore I beleive I was mislabeled.
Note I also hate Son of a bitch obvious reasons there.
If anyone else has any charming names for me feel free to humor me.


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