Tuesday, April 08, 2003

This post is full of nothing but absurdity and craziness. Why is it that you can date a person for a while and not ever want to talk to them again, but after you've been broken up for years when ever you run into each other you get along. Why is it everyone but you sees how badly someone's treating you except you? And why do you only realize this after something really bad happens?
The biggest question of all is how can they clone a person but my Cubs still can't get to, let alone win a World Series in my lifetime. Remember if anyone has any extra room in their prayers the Cubs will gladly take all you can spare.
I once dreamed of becoming the next great American writer. My junior year of highschool, my teacher told me I could be the next Kerouac. So I graduated and toook to the road, oops I forgot to right about it though. I am now inspiring to win the lottery. If i just right mumble here will people still read it?


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